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About Me

My name is Stephanie.  I am a C7/C8 Quadriplegic.  I was injured July 1, 2001 by falling off of some monkey bars that I was playing on dislocating my C6/C7 vertebrae.  I have had 15 surgeries, a broken tibia and fibula, a cracked S5 vertebrae, and a right shoulder rotator cuff tear since my injury.  Despite all of these setbacks I am grateful for all the good that has come my way.  My life has changed drastically from what it once was, but the three things that have never changed is my beautiful family, great friends, and strong faith.  These have been key to my survival and happiness.

I have enjoyed many volunteering opportunities these past ten years.  I have volunteered at the front desk of our local hospital and the YMCA of Monroe.  I was the Road to Recovery Coordinator for the American Cancer Society for two years.  I have worked with the Elementary School both reading and helping the children with their math.  I am a Patient Advisor for the University of Washington Medical Center, as well as a Peer Mentor for newly spinal cord injured patients.  Volunteering has been such a rewarding experience in my life.  I really enjoy working with children.  My goal is to help break down barriers and stigmas often associated with people in wheelchairs.  I have learned that children are not bothered by it one bit.  All they want to know is what happened, and how fast my chair goes.  They also think my ramp van is the coolest thing ever.  Being a Peer Mentor has been the most rewarding opportunity of all.  I love to go encourage newly spinal cord injured patients, and let them know that there IS life after a spinal cord injury! 
My favorite quote: "Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do" ~Rev. Robert H. Schuller